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WEEK 6:[THE WAR SERIES, DRESSED TO KILL]: Basic Training Details [Part 2]

Writer's picture: A Golden DreamA Golden Dream

Welcome back to The War Series, Dressed To Kill which is our 2nd Golden Series on the website, and our first series of this year. So glad that you can join me today for another blog post about this war series. We have now gained intel and completed the issued uniform portion, and we can not advance to the next phase of our journey.

If you have missed any blog posts; be sure to go back and read what you missed by going on the blog menu page.

Spiritual Warfare Prayer: Dear gracious and Holy Father, we come before you to say thank you. Thank you for working on us, and shaping us in the way that we should go. Thank you for giving us the room to grow and manifest in order to live out your will for our lives. Father, as we are all on this journey together; remind us to strengthen our core and be steadfast with our feet planted firmly. Allow us to remember that the armor you designed is there to protect us when we are in battle. Be our foundation Lord, strengthen and revive us when we are weary, tired from the battle. Only you know what we need when we need it, and for that we love you. In Jesus’ name. All say; Amen.

Let’s Get To It!!!

At this point your uniform should be your second skin; using it daily, and properly. Now that we have been issued our uniform equipment for battle, we are now ready to advance to the next phase of our journey. Before we proceed, we have to recognize the growth from where we started to where we are now. Let’s do a mini recap, shall we!

1. We have gotten an understanding of what Spiritual Warefare is, and why it’s so important?

2. The importance of The Decision Making Process and how making decisions impact our lives; especially when we’re making decisions on our spiritual journey. We’ve learned what it means to use and be in Target Practice, to know when you’re under attack, and effectively Sharpening Our Aim.

3. We have learned the fundamentals of U.S Military Basic Training Phases. What it looks like when we spiritually enter the Reception Battalion at Week 0 and then advance to Weeks 1-3 in the Red Phase.

4. Most importantly knowing and properly utilizing our 7 pieces Issued Uniform for battle

We have learned alot thus far and you should be proud of yourself because I am. So let's continue our march into the next phase.


Week 4-5: White Phase

During this phase of Basic, trainees will be issued their assigned weapon, their rifle. They will be learning the fundamentals of rifle marksmanship, maintenance on their weapon, and practicing drills in target practice to become more proficient. With trainees getting familiar with weaponry training, simultaneously they will still be enduing vigorous fitness training. They are expected to navigate swiftly through obstacle courses, battle drills, and rappel from a 50-foot tower known as the Warrior Tower.

Trainees are expected to cohesively showcase a medley of skills and training that they have previously learned weeks ago and be able to use them effectively throughout their time in the White Phase.

Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds,

because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.

James 1: 2-3

Recrutees will be tested on their self-discipline, teamwork, combat skills, and night training. Night Training introduces the trainees to what it looks like and what it sounds like in battle with limited to no visibility. Trainees are tested on their teamwork, and how well they move as one through this drill session. This is a requirement in order to graduate. They have to understand that it’s not about you, but the unit and working together as a whole.

How well can you spiritually operate when brought to new heights?

Am I able to fully function spiritually with no visibility of where God may be taking me?

Spiritual Intel:

I’ve Got Your Six:

One thing that the Romans were known for was their unity in battle. They thought, fought, and killed together as one. Now, I’m not saying we need to be going out fighting and killing folks; let’s make that publically clear!!! But we do need to be killing and extinguishing those flaming fiery arrows that the enemy is targeting us with.

There’s an old saying that originated in the military. The expression, “ I’ve got your six”, is another way of saying, “I’ve got you covered” or “I’ve got your back”. In the military, they have to go through a series of obstacles and drills that mimic real-life tours that require more than one person to cover each other's back from all sides and angles. Doing these techniques requires trust and togetherness in each other so that each soldier is moving together as one through a high-level territory.

Can I trust or be trusted to cover my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ?

This is why it’s important to have a church family, friends, or support groups that are fighting with you and on your behalf. Some battles that you fight will require you to fight solo, but others will require the help of your support system. If you don’t have one, go find one! I asked God to surround me with people that can help me spiritually and that will teach and mold me to be a better woman of God. I encourage you to ask God for the same! Together in Christ, we are unstoppable!

History Lesson: Roman Recruitment Regime

In Roman times, officials looked for specific requirements when recruiting potential soldiers. They had to be:

- A Roman Citizen

- Strong in Physical Shape

- Have great eyesight

- Wide shoulders; small waist ratio

- 5.5 ft tall and up

- The ability to have lively eyes (quick thinker)

- Reputable family

- Literacy Skills

Roman officials also preferred to have recruitees from the countryside rather than men from the cityside. The reasoning behind that was they noticed that countryside men were more accustomed to the struggles of life from an early age. They also were more skilled in multiple areas than city-lived men. Countryside men knew how to survive off of scraps, and adapted to their environments to make do with what they had. Over time, most of the Roman armies were made up of countryside men.

As far as the city men recruitees, their training was two times harder than country recruitees. The Romans would break them down to build them up; they were taught more skills in recruitment because they barely had any skills at all. Luxury and comfortability were the city men’s downfall when joining the Roman legionaries.

Am I skilled or Am I living off of luxury?

Recruitment Training 101:

The Roman recruitment process took roughly four months to complete. If the soldiers finished and completed their training they were promoted, would recite the army vow and officially joined the Roman Legionaries. If any soldier failed, they were left and rejected to join.

1st Skill: Marching/ Formations

The most important and vital skill to learn in the Roman legionaries was marching. By performing synchronized marches, the recuitees were taught the importance of coordination and unit cohesion, Marching was the driving force of all things Roman when it came to technical tactics.

To exercise and build this skill, recruitees would power through weekly long marches traveling 20 roman miles (roughly 18 miles today) in five hours; this meant would also be wearing about 60 pounds of armor and equipment all while doing so. They were taught to remain in straight lines that were properly distanced away from their fellow line buddies. This was essential because they had so many formations to keep in mind.

Battle Formations:

In Roman Legionaries there were three important battle formations that served a huge need in battle. Roman soldiers were brilliant at identifying a problem, developing intel to establish a plan, and then solving that problem with that plan. This awareness and concept of decision-making allowed them to be fearless, relentless, and vigilant in battle.

Above we talked a little bit about the importance of marching. Marching to a location was one thing, but engaging swiftly in a battle formation was another. Battle formations also referred to as Phalanx Systems and were imperative when winning battles and created fewer casualties when it came to soldiers. If an army didn’t have the correct battle formation in battle then they would be subject to death due to too being vulnerable and exposed to enemy lines.

How well is my battle formation?

The Phalanx System was a tight armor group of spearmen who moved and fought as one. Phalanxs were nearly invincible to get through; they were slow in battle but strong in force. Any other battle formation was no match to the Phalanx System. Having this system meant at some point in battle their enemies were forced to break their formation because there was no match for the Phalanx.


-The phalanx made it impossible to turn in any given direction. If enemy soldiers were attacking in multiple directions in battle, then the Phalanx would quickly be destroyed.


- To combat this problem, Roman officials put Calvery Soldiers on the wings of their Phalanx to protect them against planking attacks. This kept the Phalanx System untouchable.

- The Calvery Soldiers would also chase down any faster enemy attacks that the Phalanx couldn’t catch.


Another battle formation that new Roman recruitees learned was The Maniple Systems; these were smaller stand-alone units that would fight in several different directions at once. This became vital after Romans noticed that the Phalanx system was not effective enough after a while. Not being able to fight in any given direction was causing alot of casualties to the Phalanx. The Maniple System usually consisted of 10 units.

One thing that the Phalanx System couldn’t do that the Maniple system could was maneuver over obstacles and heavier terrain like rocks, and hills. The Maniple Systems could swiftly adapt if the enemy trapped them in any direction. They could do this and more and then casually get back into marching formation. The Phalanx was not that skillful in movement; resilient and powerful yes, but not when it came to adapting.


The last battle formation system was the Cohort System. These were bigger units than the Maniple systems. Over time nearby kingdoms grew bigger and bigger, which meant that army sizes would do the same. The bigger the kingdom; the bigger the army. The Cohort System would have approximately 40 units, that’s 4 times as big as the Maniple.

If the bigger the kingdom; the bigger the army,

Can you imagine how big God’s army is?

The Cohorts were highly skilled, and experienced units; they were self-sufficient in building bridges, roads, clearing out forests, and building up camps that would satisfy the needs of the army. This specialized unit could leave its given post and relocate to another location and rebuild what it just lost.


Each battle formation solved a problem. When things stopped working the Romans were able to effectively recognize the problem and quickly solve it. They were not complacent or blamed themselves for not winning battles, they simply got to work!

- The Phalanx was a blockage of power that created an unbreakable wall that was unstoppable.

- The Maniple was to relieve the attacks from the sides of the Phalanx and to be able to fight in all directions effectively and swiftly no matter the level of terrain.

- The Cohort was to amplify the army to take out bigger enemy armies. These were highly professional and highly skilled units that were self-sufficient in building larger scaled standardized armies.

Can I spiritually problem solve?


When you are fighting, there is no room to have a pity party and wonder why your life isn’t going the way you want it to go. You have to be mindful and aware of your battle formations; because at any given point, you have to change up your formation to advance to the next level of battles. New levels is equal to New Devils! And all devils don't fight the same!

The Romans were always moving around things, always evolving, always testing and seeing what worked. That takes skill and trust to one, know that this no longer serves us anymore, and two, I have a formation that is better and more effective than the last.

So, it’s safe to say that marching and formations are important. No wonder why it’s the 1 skill they learn in the military.

2nd Skill: Combat Training

I mentioned early in one of my previous posts that in the Roman Recruitment process they had new recruitees training with wooden armor pieces. These pieces resemble their official armor once they passed the training phase. What was so significant about these wooden pieces were they were 2 times as heavier as normal.

The purpose was so the newbies would gain endurance and strength in practice so that when they had the real armor they knew how to tap into their strength and speed. With these wooden pieces, recruitees would practice endlessly by sprinting forward to deliver and blow and then tucking underneath their shield. Gaining more confidence in chain attacks.

Romans were known to have unwavering stamina during battle. To achieve and withstand that ability all started in training. Officials would instruct the recruitees to only stab their enemy instead of slashing them across their bodies. Stabbing allowed less exposure when it came to the skin. Slashing involved more effort and strain on the arm. They were taught to conserve their energy and power. Let the enemy wear themselves out first and then retaliate with chain attacks.

Other hand-to-hand combat weapons included the use of slingshots, javelins, and bows and arrows. Recruitees had to be proficient in all of them, and at any given time had to execute them when needed.

3rd Skill: Calvery Training

Calvery Trainings were veterans that practiced daily vaulting on and off horses. Sometimes with or without armor depending on the situation. These soldiers needed to know the fundamentals of handling horses and still remaining in sync with their fellow comrades. They were trained to break off in battle and then regroup together and take on enemy attacks.

Joining the Roman Army

After meeting the requirements, and the endless process of skill combat, finally new recruits were now Roman-trained soldiers. After training, they took up the Roman Warrior oath and were branded the seal of a soldier.

Golden Words of Wisdom:

  • Learning to be vigilant and active in your spiritual journey is critical.

  • Being able to identify not only your errors in life but a problem that needs fixing and actively finding ways to solve them and to bring forth a different outcome is vital. This, alone exercises your self-awareness to be able to say, “Oh this is the problem or I am the problem, and how can I fix it.”


Questions To Consider: Ask yourself these questions and try to answer them to the best of your ability.

1. How well can you swiftly adapt to a battle formation?

2. Can you recognize that there is a problem in your life? Are you able to fix that problem quickly without hindering your spiritual progress?

3. What did you find interesting about the Roman Regime? Did anything stand out?

4. How can you apply some of the tactics and battle formations to your life spiritually?

Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer

Romans 12:12


Stay tuned for the next blog post!!!

WEEK 6:[THE WAR SERIES, DRESSED TO KILL]: A Breach in the Kingdom [Part 1]


Roman Battle Tactics. Historia Civilis. (n.d.). Retrieved July 7, 2022, from



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